Streamlined Registration Process

Fuel business growth without overspending. Maximize growth and streamline operations with ActivityHub!

Smart Links for Effortless Booking

UI showing add to cart UI within Partner website using brand color and font

Efficiently reduce the number of steps for users to discover & book activities by utilizing our smart links in your marketing emails. 

  • Saves time for both the business and the customer
  • Increases conversion rates as customers are more likely to complete a booking
  • Simplifies the marketing to registration process, making it more efficient and effective.
UI showing add to cart UI within Partner website using brand color and font
UI showing website widgets for Partner website

Additional Widgets

Our platform supports additional widgets that can help explain activity details and still make it easy for users to directly jump back to purchase. These widget includes Calendar, Activity, upcoming sessions and lot more.

  • Showcase comprehensive information with additional widgets 
  • Simplify the understanding of activity details
  • Facilitate informed decision-making for users

Branding at Your Fingertips

UI showing customization options to make Easy User Journey

Our widgets have 100+ styling and customization options to make them look the way you want. They take the base website style, including font, colors, and layout details, into consideration while displaying information.

  • Enhance brand consistency and recognition
  • Improve user engagement and satisfaction
  • Increase trust and credibility with a professional look and feel
UI showing customization options to make Easy User Journey